So, in the meantime, I enjoy these things as much as I probably should. Not too much. However, living the life of a bachelor who hasn't put any roots down in a special place, I live with the ever-present possibility of moving to some place new. Maybe not a new city or state, but perhaps just around the corner, in the never-ending chase for the perfect domicile that provides security, comfort, and not too far of a commute. So what? you might wonder. Well, this rootless existence is anathema to someone who has to move all of these items on the occasion.
I am constantly on alert for a new, more efficient means of storing, retrieving and moving my library. Ideally, I wouldn't have to pack them up; I would simply pick up pieces and go. Each medium requires different space concerns, except for books, which are every which way but the same (and that's cool). Anytime I see a bookshelf that has a unique design, my brain begins to glow. How could that work for me? Could I adapt it for my room? On multiple occasions I have drawn up plans for shelves that I would fashion myself. The only problem with that is that I'm not a carpenter, not even with amateur status. I bought some tools when I moved to Texas, but I realized that building furniture might require more than a drill and a saw. Sure, old-timers made do with hand tools - a hammer, saw, and a planer - but I'm way too inept to try and mimic those hard-asses.
My main concern is how to store them with as little open space surrounding the tops of the items, and then how to move these shelves when the horrible time comes to give them the old heave-ho. I've thought about hinges, aluminum, handles, crates, bamboo name it. I still don't have the perfect solution, all the while time is ticking away. My next move is planned for September. I feel the urgency creeping up behind me whenever I lay eyes upon my wall of books. Maybe I should drape a sheet over them. You know, pretend like the problem doesn't exist.
Or maybe I could read all of them and then donate them to the library, thereby relieving my load. But who has time to read with these looming moves?

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