Stunts. Fighting. Falling. Deserts. Forests. Snow. Waterfalls. Saloons. Dames. Kissing. Guns. Tanks. Biplanes. Napoleon. George Washington. The Spanish Armada. Radioactivity. Monkeys. Torches. Underground dungeons. Mad scientists. Beautiful lab assistants. Vampires. The Brooklyn Bridge. Punching. Orson Welles. Icebergs. Fencing. 18-year old Scotch. Fires. Duels. Aristocracy. Cotton plantations. Machetes. Sideways glances. Smirking.
What do all of these things have in common? They all comprise elements of the single greatest movie ever made (as soon as someone makes it). Will someone out there make it? Please? I would but I'm busy with a know. Start by coming up with a title.
For example: 10 Days to Ticino

Oh, and put this guy somewhere in it! He looks about to cause some trouble, with a capital T!
I think Orson Welles should have first crack at it. He might be offended if you ask him to be in the movie but not direct.
It should be called The Adventures of Bravo de la Tromeo.
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