For some reason my body reacted violently to something. Perhaps it was because I (finally) finished the last Harry Potter book and it was mad that it was over. That's a little dramatic, I suppose. Anyway, I started to sweat a lot, my headache roared back into action, I began sneezing like crazy (which made my headache infinitely worse). My sinuses were draining fast, and I felt a little vomitty. I was hot then cold. So, I took a shower and tried to go to sleep, to relax. But no, my legs were twitchy and restless. Basically I felt like a helpless little kid. Eventually I passed out, and when I woke up this morning I was much better.
I was trying to find a visual approximation of how I felt, and I came up with the perfect example. It is the scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, after he is forced to drink the blood out of a skull, Indiana Jones is laying in some dark chamber, lit only by candles, and is writhing about on a stone slab in pretty awful agony, undergoing some kind of occultish transformation. It was pretty much like that.
I tried to find a clip of that on YouTube, but I failed. I did find one with it buried in six minutes of other stuff, but that wouldn't get to my point easily. Searching for it, however, made me realize how violent and weird that movie is. If you haven't seen it and don't know what I'm talking about, then you should definitely stop everything you are doing and find a copy right now. And if you want to know why guys like Indiana Jones so much, here it is.

Dude, did you forget to eat for a whole day again?
So that scene from Indiana Jones--I learned two weeks ago that it also aptly portrays the pain of a kidney stone. So I know exactly what you felt like (vomiting included), except the pain was in my lower back and not my head.
Even the mighty Bravo de la Tromeo could not endure the pain of a kidney stone. In fact, if Jesus had gotten a kidney stone for my sins instead of being crucified, I'm pretty sure that would still have been efficacious.
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