So with that happy news, please know that when you cast your vote, you don't have to do it while waiting in line! I hate waiting. I can't stand the act of standing still. Rock concerts kill me if I'm just standing there squeezed in amongst other people. It's only fun if you are moving around, trying not to get crushed by the dance-crazed drunk teenagers surrounding you. Even then... According to IMDB, the plot of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie was concocted in the writer/director's brain while he was waiting in line at a Sears. Lines can cause some pretty scary emotions, even in supposedly normal people.
So, check out this site (if you live in Kansas). It gives you all the information you need to vote early. Thankfully, it is one of those states that allows anyone to vote early if they want to. Texas, for some reason, still has excuses that you must have if you need to vote early, and hating lines is not one of them. But I can still walk my happy self to any precinct within 17-4 days prior to the election and mark my ballot, just the same. I'm only not allowed to do it by mail.
When it comes time to vote, which is very important in our free country, don't forget your right to do it early. That way you won't forget, or turn around when you see a big line, or be bullied into not voting by some jerk who thinks you are homeless or not a citizen. (Yes, I'm unkempt and I didn't take a shower today or I only want to speak Spanish for some reason today, is that against the law? Oh, it is...I guess I didn't know. Sorry.) The more I can do to be lazy, and yet still be responsible, the better. Check out this website if you don't live in Kansas; it will give you the straight dope on what your state's laws are and how much they like/dislike you.
If I have to wait in line again like I did in the primary, where I had to talk to strange old people standing next to me, I'll probably get arrested for doing something saucy and make national headlines and ruin our election. Don't let this happen to you.