The government seems like an extremely complicated thing. I've tried reading articles online about this issue or that issue, but they all require A LOT of background knowledge of both the issue and the "system" that created the issue. This could be the legal system, the criminal system, the economic system (is that a real term?), etc. Local politics are the worst. I have no idea what people are talking about, mostly because city governments sometimes don't look anything like the federal government (which gets the most press and which I know the most about - from high school civics).
So, mostly I'm just running through life without a clue as to how it is run by the wheels of society and its laws. For example, the price of gas. Most people are really frustrated and a little ticked off because it's getting more and more expensive each day. I have no idea what is causing this, but I did come across this post that attempts to explain it in terms I can understand. If I think about this in non-emotional terms, I understand that the world changes and that isn't under my control.
I suppose if I vote for this person or that person, then it will all be better or worse. One thing is certain, though, it won't remain the same. Since I'm a librarian, I suppose I should be able to find some news sources to scour and start to think critically about the points of view they are representing. This might require some background reading on one of those systems I referred to earlier. Then I could spend some time and read up on political candidates and see what they promise and compare it to their earlier efforts. After doing that I could cast a confident vote based on my well-researched opinion and judgment of those vying for employment by me and everyone else. Or I could go re-read The Prisoner of Zenda, instead, and marvel at all of the swordfights and escapism.
I have a few friends who work directly in the field of politics and I mean no disrespect to them. I'm not encouraging laziness or ignoring our responsibilities to society by meaningfully participating in it. Most days, though, I'd rather go running or watch a movie than spend time thinking about why everything is the way it is. I have a tough enough time trying to resist the call of the gummy bear.

Good sir, you must choose one side or the other! Are you a Whig, or are you a Tory??
Couldn't their be a Dinosaur Party? With T-Rex as prez! I'd choose that one.
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