Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

Here are my New Year's resolutions. They are not necessarily all going to be accomplished, but I hope at the end of the year to be able to prove somehow that I did many of them.
  1. Write a post on New Year's Day.
  2. Procrastinate less.
  3. Eat more by adding a third meal (somewhere between dinner and lunch perhaps?).
  4. Run 1,500 miles.
  5. Write more emails.
  6. Watch as many movies from 1939 as possible.
  7. Learn to play "My Favorite Things" on the piano.
  8. Make bookcases for my books.
  9. Save enough money to fly to Europe at a moment's notice.
  10. Buy more classic film scores.
  11. Do 50,000 push-ups.
  12. Drink more cocktails.
  13. Learn more Spanish; enough to understand what people are saying about me on the bus.
  14. Unpack the remaining boxes from my move a year and a half ago.
Here's to all of our goals! And the sea!

1 comment:

mark said...

To the sea!