Philosophically, one could make the argument that the world is always ending, as we know it, because we don't know the future; we can only make guesses based on our previous knowledge and experience. Some people act as if they do the same things like they always have, then everything won't change and it will all be okay. In many cases this is true, but we can't stem the tide of our global society, and we can't forestall all that we do not know, which is a lot.

However, I remain positive about humans and our ability to survive, if only we would take advantage of it. How we survive, alone or as a society is totally up to us. I think we are a resourceful lot. Global warming? No problem. Economic troubles? Ain't no thing. Zombies? We already train for that via video games and movies. This is a wonderful world to live in and try to stay living in. Our opportunities are endless, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.
Last fall I also read a blog post describing a story by an anthropologist studying various disappearing cultures in the world. He recounted the story of the shit knife. Basically, an elderly Inuit wouldn't go along with his relatives into the modern world. They took all of his tools to force him to be dependent upon them and join the exodus. He stole off in the night after making a knife out of his own feces, fashioning a sled out of a dog he killed, and used another dog to pull him to freedom. This is a crude, but beautiful story of determination. That guy wasn't going to live in a city.
But when it comes to our problems, even mine, it is easy to feel like we have no control or that sometimes they are too hard to try and solve. After reading that, I refuse to think that solutions aren't out there when we need them. We may not realize them at the time, but we need to keep looking.
This is a great time for information. Maybe the greatest ever. Every second. The sharing of information, the prevalence on the Internet, the publication rate is all growing at an exponential rate. So many people are researching, trying, and finding out new things; they are indexing found knowledge and putting it out there like never before. This is one advantage to having six billion people on the planet. Not every knowable thing is available. But don't give up. You might find the story of a shit knife, and that might inspire you to not give up and butcher your problem with a pointy pile of your own crap.

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