Somehow, after doing nothing out of the ordinary on Saturday, I slept for almost thirty-two hours straight. I did wake up once to go to the bathroom and I checked the time. It was four-thirty in the afternoon. I marveled at my sleeping endurance, especially at how tired I was still. I noticed the light coming in through the shades was faint, so I suspected that the rainy day was causing my extended drowsiness. I fell back into bed.
For a minute I worried about this prolonged rest: Didn't I need food? What if I woke up at two in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep? I quickly rationalized both, somehow, and fell back into a peaceful slumber.
Monday morning I awoke with a start after unconsciously hitting the snooze ten times. It was seven-thirty and I was late for work. I panicked and realized I would have to call in and tell them I'd be late. I checked my wondrous iPhone and looked up my calendar for work to see if I needed to get someone to cover a desk shift. Despite the adrenaline, my grogginess lingered. How could I have slept so much and was still that tired?
Well, the iPhone gave me the answer. It was actually Sunday morning. I had dreamt the entire sleeping through Sunday bit. Waking up at four-thirty in the afternoon was really the morning. No light came in through the windows because there wasn't any, save for that incessant street lamp. Phew! What a relief.
I now had a free day. It was like finding twenty bucks in your pants that you didn't know was there. Good thing I didn't have any plans, so I could spend it however I wanted. What do you do with a free day?
Well, for starters, I went back to sleep.

1 comment:
Yeah! Attaboy!
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